Lavender Cookies Recipe

I try to the diversity the genres, categories and methods as much as I can on the blog. I'm trying to make this to get rid of the questions such as "can I make this chocolate muffins savory, with cheese and dill?" and make it possible for the people to find what they just want instead of changing the recipes. But I also know that the majority of these questions aren't arising from not finding what they are looking for, not from looking for. I've always worked for minority, not for the majority, so I have no problem with this.
One of the major shortcomings in this diversity I tried to create was a cookie dough that could be cut with cookie cutters. Especially the mothers want to make cookies with their children, are looking for a dough that can be cut with cutters to include children to cookie making process. Unfortunately, the recipe that was sought for years could not be reached due to the fact that it could not be included in my agenda. With this recipe it will now be available.
How Can Cookies Be Diversified?
This recipe is one of the recipes that can be changed as desired. In this form, it is already a cookie with a wonderful scent and crispiness which will make store bought cookies really sad. But the taste and smell of lavender may not appeal to everyone, of course, or after the first trial, different versions may be desired to be tried. In this case, all you have to do is remove the lavender and grated lemon peels from the recipe and add the aroma you want instead. Orange peels, finely ground hazelnuts, walnuts or almonds, vanilla, sesame seeds and cinnamon are the ones first come to my mind for example. It will not be very suitable to use chocolate chunks as the large pieces of chocolate will cause the cookies to break up while cutting. Try to choose grain-free or very tiny-grain flavourings. You can also prepare the dough, cut it into several pieces and add different flavors to each piece.
What is Lavender?
Let's not go into this diversification thing and get away from the essence of this recipe. Lavender is a flavoring and decorating material that I use frequently in my kitchen. You can also take a look at the recipes of lavender bundt cake and lavender rice pudding recipes I shared before. The most common question for these recipes is what do you mean with lavender? Lavender that is used in food is what comes to your mind when someone says lavender. Long-branched flowers collected from the purple lavender fields are dried and used as decorative flowers in vases and the grains are crumbled into lavender sachets placed between the laundry. Lavender placed in this cookie is the same with the ones in the fields, in the vases and in the sachets. Yes, lavender is something that can be eaten. Apart from the lavender you know, there is no separate lavender used in food.
Finally a valid reminder for each cookie recipe; adjust the sugar amount according to your taste buds, and flour amount according to the need of the dough, don't stick to the recipe too much.
Enjoy the recipe ...
- 150 g butter, at room temperature,
- 3/4 cups of powdered sugar,
- 2-2,5 cups of flour,
- 2 teaspoons of lavender,
- Grated shells of half a lemon.
- Mash 1 tsp of lavender with mortar and pestle or chop fineşy with a knife,
- In a deep bowl combine butter, powdered sugar, lemon peel, powdered and granular lavender in a bowl snd mix well,
- Add the flour in small amounts and knead into a soft dough that does not stick to the hand,
- Take the dough on the counter and roll it with a roller as thin as you want, cut it with the cookie cutters and place the cookies on a baking tray covered with wax paper,
- Bake in a preheated oven at 170 degrees until the edges turn pink.