How To Make Sun Dried Tomatoes

I tried drying tomatoes for the first time this year. There is no difficulty, even one of the easiest things in the kitchen. But there was a reason why I bought dried tomatoes instead of drying them myself for all these years. It is never more convenient to dry your own tomatoes economically. It costs even more.
I had only 200 g of dried tomatoes out of 4 kg of tomatoes. I bought a kilo of tomatoes for 2 Euros. 200 g of sun-dried tomatoes costed 8 Euros, that is, 40 Euros per kilo. A kilo of dried tomatoes is 10-11 Euros in the market. Dried tomatoes are not a product that can be adulterated. At most drying accelerator and facilitating chemicals can be used. I think it is not a health threatening amount according to European Union standards. Then I wonder why I should pay more. But if you are growing your own tomatoes in your garden, drying your tomatoes is the least labor-intensive long-term storage method.
Unfortunately, it is not possible to dry every type of tomatoes. Tomatoes suitable for drying are fleshy, long tomatoes, generally known as Çanakkale tomatoes in Turkey and pear tomatoes all around the world. Because juicy tomatoes take a long time to dry, they usually go moldy before they dry.
This mold risk also exists in humid cities. In other words, even if you use pear tomatoes, if you live in a city where you can't even dry your laundry outside, your tomatoes will not dry either. Therefore, only try this if you live in a place with plenty of sun, dry air and a temperature above 35 C. If you are not sure, you can try with a small amount of tomatoes the first time and then use a large amount of tomatoes.
How to Use Dried Tomatoes?
You can reach recipes you can use sun-dried tomatoes such as sun dried tomatoes in olive oil and sun dried tomato paste in the sun dried tomatoes link.
You can store the dried tomatoes you have prepared in a glass jar at room temperature or, if you live in a very hot place, in the refrigerator for up to one year.
Enjoy the recipe...
How To Make Sun Dried Tomatoes with Video
- Wash the tomatoes and separate the rotten ones,
- Cut the tomatoes in half lengthwise and place them cut side up on a table cloth or into a baking tray,
- You can sprinkle salt on them if you wish,
- Place them in a sunny point and wait until the tops dry,
- Turn the tomatoes upside down and wait until they are well dried,
- Store in a glass jar at room temperature or in the refrigerator.