Pumpkin Pastry Recipe

I kept saying to myself that I should share a pumpkin recipe before winter passes. When I was wondering what to do with a small amount of chopped zucchini at home, it came to my mind that I hadn't done this pastry for a long time. It didn't take me long to convince me that we love to have breakfast for dinner.
We had a nice evening breakfast with our delicious pastries. Since we don't like to eat the same things over and over, I threw the leftovers in the freezer instead of leaving them stale to eat tomorrow. We take it out for breakfasts once in a while and eat it. It is very practical to store food, especially if you are working.
After cooking your pastries like this, put them in thick refrigerator bags and put them in the freezer. When you eat it, take it out of the freezer the night before and put it in the fridge. When you take them out of the cupboard in the morning, they will be as fresh as you cooked the first day. You can heat it up or eat as is
Pumpkin Pastry Recipe with Video
- 100 g butter at room temperature,
- 1/4 cup vegetable oil,
- 2 eggs (1 egg yolk will be brushed on top),
- 1/4 cup lukewarm milk,
- 5-5.5 cups flour,
- 1 cup pumpkin puree,
- 1 tablespoon granulated sugar,
- 1 teaspoons salt,
- 2 teaspoons rapid-rise yeast,
- Pine nuts.
- Mix together the milk, sugar and yeast in a large bowl,
- Add butter, vegetable oil, 1 egg, 1 egg white and pumpkin puree,
- Add flour part by part and start to knead,
- After you add half of it, add the salt together with flour,
- Add the remaining flour part by part again and knead until you reach a soft dough,
- Cover the dough and let it rest for 45 mins somewhere warm,
- Pull clementine size pieces from the dough and form them into smooth balls,
- Make six slits on the sides of each ball with a pair of scissors dipped into oil,
- Brush with egg yolk and set aside for 10 mins.,
- Bake at 190 degrees celsius until golden brown,
- Remove from the oven and place a pine nut on top of each.
Bon appétit...