Pasta With Peas

This recipe is the result of some lazy days in Spain. Pasta with tomato paste is one of the traditional recipes of late Turkish cuisine. If someone demands an urgent meal or if you don't have any time for cooking pasta with tomato paste is one of the first recalled recipes.
When we first moved to Madrid we were out all day long, first for looking rentals and then for seeing around. So when we came home there were no time for slow cooking. One of the best coices was pasta with tomato paste. And in time I started to add peas to give a different aroma and some color. At first it was just an easy meal option, then it became an obsession. Because for me pasta and peas, tomato paste and peas, paste and tomato paste are perfect couples. And when they all become together it's the nirvana of fast and delicious food.
Not necessary to mention actually but I will, it goes well with plain yogurt.
Enjoy the recipe...
- 250 g pasta of your choice,
- 1 tbsp tomato paste,
- 1 cup canned peas,
- 3 tablespoons of olive oil,
- Salt,
- Water.
- Boil the pasta in salty water according to the instructions on the package,
- Heat the olive oil in a pan,
- Add the tomato paste and sautee until smells good,
- Take a ladle of water from the boiling water of the pasta and add into the tomato paste and stir well,
- Add the peas, stir and remove from the heat,
- Drain the pasta and take into the pot again,
- Add the sauce, stir well and cook for a few mins., constantly stirring, remove from heat.
Bon Appetit...