Kavurmalı Yumurta Recipe

Kavurmalı yumurta is one of the most filling meals in the world. On days when I eat kavurmalı yumurta for breakfast, I never feel the need to eat lunch. That's why, especially if I'm going on a long journey or it's going to be a tiring day and I won't have time for lunch, fried eggs are my first choice for breakfast.
The same goes for the Spanish omelette tortilla, by the way. It has the same filling effect. I also take my friends who come to Madrid to eat tortillas first thing in the morning. This way, we can travel throughout the day eating only snacks. If you are coming to Spain, keep this in mind.
Now let's talk about kavurmalı yumurta... I make the kavurmalı yumurta myself at home using my kavurma recipe. Store bought kavurmas are too greasy for me. You can make kavurma at home with fatty meat and store it in its greasy, or you can make it with lean meat and store it in the freezer. Especially if fried eggs are a breakfast item you frequently prefer, you can freeze kavurma in portions and them in a pan without defrosting when you want to use them.
They usually make kavurmalı yumurta with just kavurma and eggs. I also add pepper to give both color and aroma. Pepper and meat are two flavors that go very well together. Another flavor where this harmony is felt so well is belen tava, for example. If you haven't tried it before, I recommend you add it to your list of things to try.
You can make sunny side up or mix the egg yolks of the kavurmalı yumurta. It's entirely up to you. There are no special rules for the recipe. The same goes for spices. I only use black pepper. But if you are good with hot spice, you can also add red pepper flakes, for example. I think thyme and cumin are spices that would suit this recipe as well.
Enjoy your meal...
Kavurmalı Yumurta Recipe with Video
- 5 tablespoons roasting,
- 1 red pepper,
- 1 green pepper,
- 4 eggs,
1 tablespoon of butter, - Salt,
- Black pepper.
- Melt the butter in a pan,
- Add the peppers you chopped into small pieces and stir fry,
- Add the kavurma, stir and heat until it starts to sizzle,
- Break the eggs on top,
- Close the lid and cook over low heat until the eggs reach the desired consistency,
- Sprinkle with salt and pepper.
Enjoy your meal...