Flourless Hazelnut Cookies

The most important part of the cookie is the beating of the egg. Egg whites should be whisked to the consistency we call shaving foam or snow. Otherwise, the dough will not come together, it will spread every time you try to put it on the tray. Grind the hazelnuts to the thinnest consistency you can, because there is no flour in the recipe, hazelnuts serve as flour.
Tahini is not a very essential material, if you don't like it or if you don't have it at hand, you do not have to put it. I only added tahini to give it flavor, it has no effect on its consistency.
Our cookies are baked at low temperature. But since it's thin, it doesn't take as long as you might expect. Before taking the cookies out of the oven, make sure that the bottoms are also cooked. The bottoms may stick to wet and oily paper if not cooked well. Before taking it out of the oven, lift it with a spatula and check if it separates from the wax paper. If it doesn't come apart, it means it's not well cooked yet. If it is fried, turn off the oven's upper setting (or cover the tray with aluminum foil) and continue cooking on the lower setting.
Enjoy the recipe...
Flourless Hazelnut Cookies with Video
- 1 egg white,
- 1/2 cup of sugar,
- 1 cup of finely processed hazelnuts,
- 2 tsps of tahini (optional).
- Whisk egg white until stiff,
- Add sugar and beatuntil sugar melts,
- Add hazelnuts and tahini and mix with a spatula,
- With 2 desert spoons drop cookie dough into a baking pan covered with silpat of parchement paper,
- Bake in a 150 C degrees pre-heated oven until golden.
Bon appetit...