Telli Baba Recipe

Telli baba is a traditional turkish syrup dessert. Telli baba is shortly a cookie filled with shredded kadaif and ground walnut mixture and soaked with simple syrup. After the dessert is ready you can cover the cookies with baked shredded kadaif in order to add a different appearance to the dessert.
Kadaif is a kind of shredded dough used to make generally dessert in Turkish and Arab cuisine.You can find it in Turkish or Arab stores or on Amazon if you are living in a country with a huge Turkish or Arab population.
Telli baba goes well with both coffee and Turkish tea as most of the syrup desserts such as well known baklava. You can also serve it together with a scoop of ice cream.
You can store telli baba at room temperature for up to 3 days and in the for for up to 10 days.
Enjoy the recipe...
- 150 g butter at room temperature,
- 1/4 cup vegetable oil,
- 2 tbsp plain yoghurt,
- 3-3,5 cups flour,
- 1 tsp baking soda,
- 1 cup shredded kadaif (you can find in international markets),
- 1/4 cup grated walnuts.
For Syrup;
- 3 cups water,
- 2,5 cups sugar,
- 2 tsp fresh lemon juice.
- In a bowl combine kadaif with walnuts,
- In a different large mixing bowl combine butter, vegetable oil, yoghurt and baking soda and mix well,
- Add flour step by step to form a dough that does not stick hands,
- Take a walnut sized piece from the dough and flatten the piece in your hand, put 1-2 tsps of walnut+kadaif mixture in the middle, close and roll to make a round ball,
- Prepare the remaining dough and kadaif mixture in the same way,
- Place the cookies on a baking sheet and bake in a 180 C degrees preheated oven until golden,
- Meanwhile, in a medium pan, add the sugar, water and lemon juice, bring to a boil and let simmer for 2 minutes or until the mixture is syrupy, then remove from heat,
- After removing the cookies from the oven set aside for 20 minutes,
- Pour the warm syrup over warm cookies and set aside until the cookies soak all the syrup,
- You can coat cookies with baked shredded kadaif if you want.
Bon appetit...