Pickled Red Cabbage - Ready To Use Next Day

Pickled red cabbage is one of the most popular salads in winter. But unfortunately, it is intimidating because it is hard and hard to chop. In fact, it is not difficult at all when the right method is known.
How to finely chop the purple cabbage that I have published before? In my article, I talked about a method that will make it easier for many people. Today, using this method, I will tell you how we can keep the cabbages we chop in the fridge ready for immediate use.
Our recipe is very practical. We prepare everything like a normal salad. Then we just put it in a canning jar and put it in the fridge. I have kept it in the refrigerator for up to 3 weeks. I don't know how long it will last. I use regular table salt, not pickled salt. If you want to store it for a longer time, you can use brine salt for guarantee. If you don't like vinegar, you can also use 1 large lemon with plenty of water instead of vinegar. The cabbage I used was an average head, not very large. All filled exactly 1 canning bottle. The amount will vary depending on the size of your cabbage. Unless your cabbage is very small or very large, you don't need to change the amount of ingredients.
When serving, I usually use it side by side with grated carrots. I don't add extra salt to the carrots as the pickles are salty enough.
If you spare half an hour to prepare this pickle while you have time, this is a recipe where you can save much more time in the following days. Every time you use it, be sure that you will say that you have done it well.
Enjoy the recipe...
Pickled Red Cabbage - Ready To Use Next Day with Video
- 1 red cabbage,
- 1 tbsp of salt,
- 1 cup of grape vinegar,
- Water at room temperature.
- Remove the few first layer of the cabbage and wash the remaining,
- Chop finely,
- Sprinkle the salt on top and rub with your hands until its juice come over,
- Pack the cabbage in the jar, leaving one inch of headroom at the top,
- Pour the vinegar over and fill the rest with water,
- Cover the lid and set aside in the fridge,
- İt is ready to use the next day.
Bon appetit...
- Sarah: Is there any other type of vinegar to use, if we don't have any grape vinegar? January 15, 2022 11:16 am
- Kevser: You can use any vinegar, I just write what I use👍🏻 January 15, 2022 2:37 pm