Paneed Chicken Liver Recipe

Serving : 4 servings
- 500 g chicken livers,
- 1 cup flour,
- 1 egg,
- 1 cup bread crumbs,
- Salt and pepper to taste
- Vegetable oil for frying.
- Cut livers into large pieces,
- In a bowl beat egg with salt and pepper addition,
- Coat livers first flour, then egg and then bread crumbs,
- In a large heavy-bottomed saucepan, pour enough oil to fill the pan about a third of the way and heat over medium heat,
- Drop the coated livers into the hot oil,
- Turn the pieces as they brown and do not let them touch each other while frying,
- Work in batches, if necessary check the underside of a piece by lifting it with tongs,
- It should be a deep golden brown,
- Cook the livers until the pieces are crispy, about 15 minutes, turning occasionally.
Bon appetit...
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