Cloud Pancake Recipe

Last week, I gave the good news of these beauties on Instagram. This recipe came about as a result of waking up one morning in the rush of furnishing a house and seeing that there is no bread and eggs left in the house. There were only two egg streams left over from the cocoa pudding recipe I made the previous day in the fridge. I said something like this would happen under these conditions. I've done it, it's not even been, it's amazing I also wrote on Instagram, from now on this means pancakes for me. It is not possible for me to get the same pleasure from classic pancakes.
Does It Smell Egg?
First of all, make sure it never smells like eggs. Its consistency is like a cloud, which is why I named it cloud pancake. The taste is extraordinary. Since it is neither too sugary nor too salty, it can be eaten with both salty and sweet. So you can eat it first with cheese and then with jam or chocolate.
Should I Use Oil?
I've been cooking pancakes and pancakes in a pan without oil for a long time, and I'm very happy with this, as the calories are reduced and my hands are not greasy while eating. That's why I prepared this recipe in the same way. If you think it will be uninspired for you, you can also cook it by oiling the pan with butter or oil.
Cloud Pancake Recipe with Video
- 2 egg whites,
- 1 cup milk,
- 3 heaping tbsps flour,
- 1/4 teaspoon salt,
- 1/4 teaspoon sugar.
- Beat egg whites until stiff peaks,
- Combine flour, milk, salt and sugar in a separate bowl and beat until no lumps
- Add the egg white to the flour mixture part by part and mix,
- Heat a large non stick pan on the stove,
- Pour the mixture into the pan with a spoon,
- Cook both sides until golden.
Bon Appetit...