Eight Ball Zucchini Dolma Recipe

Due to the shape of it, eight ball zucchinies are more suitable for making dolma than zucchinies. It's sweeter taste also goes well with the stuffing I think.
Turkish dolma recipes are separated into two groups in theory; olive oil dolmas and ground beef dolmas. But interestingly most of the people cook dolmas without ground beef and with tomato paste (normally tomato paste is not use in olive oil recipes).
As most of the people I prefer dolmas without ground beef and with tomato pasta except olive oil pepper dolma. That's why I always share olive oil, ground beef and tomato paste versions of all kind of dolmas. After ground beef eight ball dolma and bulgur eight ball dolma recipes I wanted to share eight ball recipe with tomato paste and without ground beef.
Dolmas are generally prepared with uncooked stuffing in Turkey. But I taste raw onion in those dolmas so prefer to half cook it. By this way the outer vegetable is not overcooked while the rice is cooked and it tastes way better.
Enjoy the recipe...
- 8 eight ball zucchinies,
- 1 onion, chopped,
- 1 heaping spoon of tomato paste,
- 1.5 cup of rice, washed and drained,
- 1 tsp ground sweet chilli,
- 1 tsp dry mint,
- 1 tsp thyme,
- 1 tsp pepper flakes,
- 4-5 tbsps of vegetable oil,
- 1.5 cups of water.
For the sauce;
- 1 tablespoon of tomato paste,
- 2 cups of water,
- Salt.
- Heat the vegetable oil in a large pan,
- Add into the chopped onion and sautee until tender,
- Add into the tmato paste and cook until smells good,
- Add sweet chilli and stir,
- Add the rice and stir well,
- Add into the water and salt,
- Stir, cover the lid and cook until tender,
- Add into the spices and parsley, stir well, remove from heat,
- Cut off 2 cm pieces from the stalk part of the zucchinies,
- Carve the inside of them with a teaspoon,
- Fill in the stuffing, cover with the pieces you cut off,
- Place in a pot,
- For the sauce mixx all the ingredients in a bowl and pour over the zucchinies,
- Cook covered in low-medium heat until the zucchinies and rice fully soften.
Bon appetit...