Canned Fried Eggplant Recipe

- 2 kg (12-14) eggplants, peeled and sliced,
- 500 g green pepper), chopped,
- 2 kg (8-10) tomatoes, grated,
- 2 big onions, chopped,
- 3 cloves of garlic, smashed,
- 2 tbsps tomato paste,
- 1/2 cup vegetable oil,
- Salt to taste,
- Extra oil for frying eggplants.
- For frying eggplants heat about 1 lt oil in a deep pan,
- Add 1/4 of the eglgplant slices at a time and fry until golden,
- Remove the fried eggplants on a strainer,
- On the other hand heat 1/2 cup oil in a large and deep pan,
- Add onions and peppers, cook until tender,
- Add garlics, stir,
- Add tomato paste, cook constantly stirring for e few mins.,
- Add tomatoes and cook 5-10 mins after it starts to boil,
- Add salt, stir,
- Add fried eggplants, stir well and cook for another 5 mins.,
- Scoop the mixture into the jars,
- Seal the jars tight,
- Place the jars into a pressure canner or pressure cooker and cover with hot water,
- Cover the lid and cook for 3-5 mins after the steam comes out,
- Remove the jars from water and dry with a towel,
- Turn the jars upside down and set aside overnight,
- Keep in a cool place away from sun,
- While serving, open the lid, serve immediately or heat before serving,
- You can also add some cooked beef or chicken inside while serving, or use it as a pasta sauce.
Bon appetit...
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