Quick Pickled Hot Peppers

With the arrival of the summer, winter preparations probably started in many houses. I can easily understand this from the increasing searches for winter recipes on the blog. But I personally haven't started yet.
Keep This in Mind for Winter Preparations
I am in favor of leaving the winter preparations to late summer. It is difficult to protect the cans from summer heat during summer. From time to time, those who cannot withstand this heat can be training (life training of learning from mistakes) casualties.
Therefore, I prefer to leave the winter preparations to September, when the weather starts to cool down, for fruits and vegetables (such as tomatoes which make up almost 80% of the winter preparations) that will be stored at room temperature and are still available in September.
There is nothing that can be done for fruits which have an earlier season unfortunately, they have to be prepared in advance. But in order to reduce the risk, it is preferable to freeze them rather than canning.
You may be wondering why I advice to leave winter preparations for September and give a pickle recipe in July. Well you may not, but I feel the need to explain. First of all I don't see this recipe as a winter preparation. Because it can be consumed as soon as it is prepared. There is nothing such as the season of pickled hot peppers. Is it possible not to take two or three hot pepper pickles next to your salad? And maybe you grow peppers on the balcony, and they won't stay until autumn. Maybe you found delicious peppers in the farmers market. I wanted you to have the recipe at hand, so you can use it whenever you want.
Enjoy the recipe...
Quick Pickled Hot Peppers with Video
- 1 kg of hot peppers,
- 1 cup vinegar (any type),
- 1 cup olive oil,
- 1 cup water,
- 2 heaping tablespoons brine salt,
- 1 teaspoon of sugar,
- 5-6 cloves of garlic,
- Optional parsley.
- Prick the peppers with the tip of the knife,
- Put water, vinegar, olive oil and salt in a deep saucepan and put on the stove,
- When it starts to boil, add the peppers and simmer until the peppers are partly softened, for 10-15 mins.,
- Divide the peppers and water into plass jars while still boiling,
- If you wish, put a pinch of parsley on them and cover the lid tightly,
- After they cool down keep in the fridge,
- You can start consuming immediately.
Bon appetit...