How To Prepare Meat Broth For Refrigerator

My philosohpy about the use of store-bought processed food is "If you can make it at home from scratch, do not buy it from the store". This is why I hardly ever buy bouillon cubes or meat broth. Instead I make my own broth at home from scratch. It's really not that difficult at all. All I have to do is to store the cooking water of any meat in plastic ice cube bags and freeze them. The flavor they give might not be as intense as the store-bought bouillons but knowing that I'm not adding anything processed in my dish is more important to me.
I also want to warn you about a deception that brands trick us into when they write preservative-free" in visible bold letters on their products. This does not actually mean that the product does not contain any additives. It might not contain any preservatives but it sure does contain lots and lots of additives, which are equally controversial in terms of health effects. Do not buy anything from the store without first reading the ingredients list. After all it's crucial that we know what goes into our body, isn't it?
- 1 kg meat with bones on,
- 2 potatoes,
- 1 onion,
- 2 carrots,
- 1 small celery root,
- 5-6 black pepper seeds,
- 2 bay leaves,
- Salt.
- Break the meat into small pieces and place in a pressure cooker,
- Peel the vegetables and cut into large chunks, then add to the meat,
- Add black pepper, salt and bay leaves, then submerge everything in water,
- Put the lid on and cook according to the instructions of your pressure cooker (or until the meat separates from the bones),
- Open the lid and let it cool,
- Drain and transfer the cooking water to plastic ice cube bags, then freeze.
Bon appétit...