Kovászos Uborka Recipe

Kovászos uborka is a type of pickle originates from Hungarian cuisine. What makes kovászos uborka recipe special is the method of making and the speed of being pickled. In the classical pickle making method we know, a mixture of water, vinegar and salt is prepared and the ingredients to be pickled are put into it and left to ferment for at least a week to ten days. Kovászos uborka is made without vinegar, with just water and salt, and is quickly fermented under the sun with the support of leavened bread. I wanted to share it at the beginning of September so that you don't miss the sunny days of September and you can prepare the pickles for the winter. Before you start making the pickles, be sure to check the weather and make sure the next four days will be sunny.
I used sourdough white bread in the pickle. It doesn't have to be sourdough. You can use any bread made with sourdough starter, dry, instant or fresh yeast. Since bread is already a fermented food, it accelerates the fermentation of the pickles. That's why it's indispensable for the recipe. Another essential ingredient in pickles is, of course, salt. A small amount of salt, such as 1 tablespoon per 1 liter, is sufficient. If you like saltier pickles, you can increase the amount.
The juice of the pickle turns white due to the bread. Color change starts the next day. Don't let the colour change make you panic. If you don't see mold on the bread, it's fine.
Dill is also used in the original pickle recipe. I didn't use it because I didn't have it at home during the video and photo shoot. But garlic was also a sufficient flavoring on its own. But I'm sure dill would be good too. If you have it, I'd say use it.
The consistency of the pickle is not crunchy like the classic pickled gherkins, it is soft. If you don't like soft pickles, kovászos uborka may not be the right pickle recipe for you. But there is definitely a pickle recipe suitable for you among my recipes.
When transferring the pickles from the large jar to the small jar, some pickle juice may left over. You can pickle again by putting different vegetables in this pickle juice.
After transferring the pickles to small jars, you should store them in the refrigerator.
Enjoy the recipe...
Kovászos Uborka Recipe with Video
- 1300 g large gherkins,
- 1.5 liters of water,
- 1.5 tablespoons of brine salt,
- 2-3 slices of bread,
- 5 cloves of garlic,
- 1 teaspoon of mustard seeds.
- Take the peeled garlic and mustard seeds in a large glass jar,
- Cut off the ends of the gherkins,
- Cut into quarters lengthwise without seperating them completely apart,
- Place them in the jar lengthwise,
- Cover the gherkins with slices of bread,
- Add the salt to the water, mix and fill the jar,
- Cover it with a plate and place it in a sunny place during the day and leave it for 3-4 days,
- Fill the pickles in small jars,
- Strain the water and divide into jars,
- Keep refrigerated.
Enjoy your meal...