Haşhaşlı Mercimekli Borek Recipe

I have cooked so many boreks, tried many different borek recipes. A considerable part of these boreks were crispy, but I have never eaten a pastry as crispy as a poppy pie. Crispy borek is a nice thing, but there should be a limit to the crispiness. For example, some pastries made with phyllo dough can be so crispy that it can be difficult to eat, this is not something I like very much. Haşhaşlı mercimekli borek has a wonderful consistency that stands before this point.
I talked about this crispiness in the recipe for potato borek with phyllo dough. By the way speaking of crispy boreks, I would also like to remember the recipes for crunchy potato borek and cunchy spinach borek.
Where to Buy Poppy Seed Butter?
In Turkey in poppy seed butter recipes we use yellow poppy seed butter but when I searched for poppy seed butter online I saw that poppy seed butter that can be found is black poppy seed butter. You can use black poppy seed butter or make your own poppy seed butter. Just buy some yellow poppy seeds and process in a food processor.
Enjoy ...
- 2 yufka sheets,
- 4 heaping tablespoons of yellow poppy seed butter,
- 3/4 cup of vegetable oil.
For the filling;
- 1 cup of green lentils,
- 1 onion, chopped,
- 4-5 tablespoons of vegetable oil,
- 2-3 tablespoons of finely ground walnuts,
- Salt,
- Black pepper,
- Cumin,
- 1 handful of chopped parsley.
- For the filling, wash and drain the lentils and take them into a small sauce pan,
- Add enough boiling water to cover the lentils and simmer until completely soft,
- Heat the oil in a separate pan, add the onion and stir fry until tender,
- Add the softened green lentil and cook for a few mins.,
- Add salt and spices and mix,
- Add walnuts and parsley, mix and remove from heat,
- Mix the poppy seed butter together with the vegetable oil, set 1 tbsp of the mixture aside,
- Spread one of the yufka sheets on the counter,
- Spread half of the poppy seed mixture on the dough with a spoon and brush it all over,
- Cut the dough into 16 pieces in triangle shape,
- Put a tablespoon of lentil mortar on the rounded edge of each piece,
- Fold the edges inside and wrap it in a roll,
- Prepare the other pieces and sheet in the same way,
- Add a little more oil to the poppy seed mixture you separated apart and mix,
- Spread the mixture on the borek rolls,
- Place theim into a baking tray covered with wax paper,
- Bake in a preheated oven at 190 degrees until golden brown.
Bon Appetit...