Strawberry Semolina Custard Recipe

Serving : 10-12 Servings
For strawberry layer;
- 1 cup of strawberry puree,
- 1.5 cups of milk,
- 5 tablespoons semolina,
- 3 tablespoons sugar,
- 1 teaspoon butter.
For vanilla layer;
- 2.5 cups of milk,
- 5 tablespoons semolina,
- 3 tablespoons sugar,
- 10 grams of vanillin,
- 1 teaspoon butter.
For cocoa layer;
- 2.5 cups of milk,
- 5 tablespoons semolina,
- 3 tablespoons sugar,
- 1 tablespoon of cocoa,
- 1 teaspoon butter.
- For the strawberry layer, take milk, strawberries, sugar and semolina in a saucepan,
- Cook continuously stirring until set,
- Add the butter and stir well and remove from the heat,
- Pour into a 26 cm baton cake mold covered with a stretch film,
- Take the milk, sugar and semolina sauce pan for the vanilla layer,
- Cook constantly stirring until set,
- Add the butter and stir well and remove from the heat,
- Pour over the strawberry layer,
- Take milk, sugar, cocoa and a saucepan sauce for the cocoa layer,
- Cook constantly stirring until set,
- Add the butter and stir well and remove from the heat,
- Pour over the vanilla layer,
- Set aside until it becomes at room temperature, then refrigirate for 2 hours,
- While serving, turn upside down into a serving plate.
Bon Appetit...
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