Potato Salad With Long Beans

If you want to add some color to your classic potato salad, there are many things you can do. One of them is to add fresh long beans in season. In this way, there will be a balanced vegetable content with potatoes and the amount of carbohydrates will be reduced.
Potato salad with yogurt is a very delicious salad on its own, but adding different flavors from time to time adds extra flavor to it as well. Everyone has their own special ingredient. Some add peas, some add carrots. For example, I love peas. Another version that I love as much as peas is the one made with green beans and long beans. They both taste roughly the same. I also took the video and photos of my last cooking where I used long beans. Fresh beans version is prepared in the same way. You just have to be careful to use fresh green beans so they cook in the same time as the potatoes.
In fact, the same is valid for long beans. Although fresh long beans are easier to cook than green beans, this is just a generalization. It also takes a long time to cook long beans when they are aged. For this reason, you should use fresh long beans that crackle when cut in half by hand. This will allow the long beans to cook in the same time as the potatoes and increase their flavor.
In addition to yogurt, you can add a few spoons of mayonnaise to the long beans potato salad. Mayonnaise goes well with yogurt salads, especially potato salads with yogurt. However, as predictable, it also increases the calories. For this reason, it would be better to make your own decision by making a profit and loss account.
Enjoy the recipe...
Potato Salad With Long Beans with Video
- 2 potatoes,
- 300 g of long beans,
- 2 cups of strained yogurt,
- 1 clove of garlic,
- Salt,
- 1 teaspoon of pepper flakes,
- Olive oil (I used chilli oil) and chopped parsley for topping.
- Remove the ends of the long beans and chop them into small pieces,
- Peel and dice the potatoes,
- Take the long beans and potatoes into a saucepan and add enough water to cover them,
- Close the lid and take it to the stove and cook until both are soft,
- Strain, let it cool,
- Take the cooled potatoes and long beans in a bowl,
- Add yoghurt, crushed garlic, salt and chili pepper and mix,
- Take the salad on the serving plate,
- Sprinkle with olive oil and chopped parsley on top.
Enjoy your meal...