Gluten Free Tortilla Recipe

If a list of basic gluten-free recipes is to be made, one of the recipes that should be at the top of this list is gluten-free tortilla. It is not easy to shape, to roll and to cook a gluten free dough and to ensure that it has an elastic a consistency is even harder.
For example, corn tortillas are also a gluten-free. However, it does not have the elasticity to be rolled up. There are two things that give gluten-free tortilla this elasticity. The first is the binding ingredients in the store bought gluten-free flour mixture. The second is tapioca starch. You may remember tapioca starch from the bubble tea recipe. If you make a dough with corn starch, which you normally use often, and throw it into the water, that dough will melt and crumble. But due to the special structure and consistency of tapioca starch, the dough made from this starch, on the contrary, becomes firm when boiled in water.
Although gluten-free tortilla is not boiled, a similar thing happens when it is cooked, thanks to tapioca starch, and the dough tightens and the lavash acquires an elastic consistency.
Drying of homemade tortilla during and after cooking is a common problem. Let me write down what you need to pay attention to, so that this does not happen to you. First of all, you should cook the tortillas quickly on high heat. The tortilla you cook at low heat will dry out. After cooking, putting the tortilla in a plastic bag and letting them wait in their own steam also allows you to get softer tortillas that does not dry after cooking. These are valid not only for gluten-free tortilla, but also for lavash and gluten containing tortillas.
You can store the leftovers in a ziplock bag in an airtight manner at room temperature for a few days, in the refrigerator for a week, and in the freezer for up to six months.
Enjoy the recipe...
Gluten Free Tortilla Recipe with Video
- 2 cups of store bought gluten-free bread flour mix,
- 1 cup of tapioca starch,
- 1.5 cups of warm water,
- 4 tablespoons of olive oil,
- 1 teaspoon salt.
- Take water, salt and olive oil in a bowl,
- Add the flour and starch little by little and knead until you get a dough that does not stick to the hand,
- Make 10 balls from the dough and cover them,
- Roll out the meringues with a rolling pin on the floured counter, with a diameter of about 30 cm,
- Cook them upside down on high heat in the same width non-stick pan,
- Place the cooked tortillas into a plastic bag and close it.
Enjoy your meal...