Five Minutes Cheesecake Recipe

The hardest part of making cheesecake is baking the cheesecake. Otherwise, the preparation phase is no different than making a cake. When it comes to cooking, the nerves get a little tight there. How long should it be kept in the oven, how long should it be fried, how to ensure that it does not crack, how should its consistency be when taking it out of the oven, is this consistency enough, etc. Then, if it cracks, watch the revel :)
Is Cheesecake Cracking?
Let me give you good news from the beginning, then, this cheesecake does not crack. Its taste and consistency is like standard cheesecake. The only difference is that it is thinner. It is also due to the depth of the containers that can be used in the microwave. If you have a deep bowl suitable for use in the microwave, you can also obtain a thick cheesecake by increasing the amount of ingredients and extending the cooking time.
At what setting should I cook?
Microwaves can have different settings. I will explain the working principle of mine. Adjust yours according to mine. Mine has temperature settings like 90, 180, 360, 720, 800. I cook by choosing 800, that is the highest temperature, and setting the time to 5 minutes. But my advice to you is 5 minutes in the first place. instead of cooking it as 2+2+1 and checking its consistency at every interval. Each oven has different characteristics. 5 minutes may be too much for your oven.
What should the consistency of cheesecake be like?
When the cheesecake is baked, an area of 3-4 cm in diameter remains in the middle, as in standard cheesecakes. As it waits, it settles.
After cooling, it becomes edible when left in the refrigerator for 2 hours. But it gets the best consistency the next day. So if you have the opportunity, I say rest for a night. I'm sure you all know and adjust by tasting your desserts, but let me remind you anyway. The amount of sugar will vary according to your taste. Therefore, after preparing the filling, do not forget to taste it and add sugar if you need it.
No Microwave Oven?
This recipe is for the microwave oven. If you do not have a microwave oven, you can take a look at other cheesecake recipes that are cooked in the normal oven.
One Last Tip
One last thing... If you don't get cold and whisk the egg whites to the consistency of shaving foam, you will get a more lumpy texture.
Five Minutes Cheesecake Recipe with Video
For crust;
- 100 g graham crackers,
- 1 tablespoon butter,
- 2-3 tablespoons milk.
For filling;
- 200 g cream cheese,
- 200 ml heavy cream,
- 2 eggs,
- 1/2 cup of sugar,
- 1 heaping spoon of flour,
For topping;
- Any red fruits you like and caster sugar.
- Take graham crackers into a food processor and whiz,
- Pour into a 26 cm glass oven dish,
- Melt the butter and add to the biscuits and mix,
- Add the milk gradually and mix until the base mixture is gathered together,
- Flatten the mixture by pressing with your hand,
- For the filling beat cream cheese and sugar in a separate bowl,
- Add the eggs one by one and beat them up,
- Add the cream and whip,
- Add flour and beat until no lumps,
- Pour the mixture onto the biscuit base,
- Put the cheesecake in the microwave and cook for 5 minutes in the highest heat setting,
- Remove from microvawe and wait until completely cold,
- Set aside in the refrigerator for 1 hour,
- Top with fruts and sprinkle caster sugar.
Bon Appetit...