3 Ingredient Cheesecake With Blueberry Sauce

Serving : 6 Servings
For cheesecake;
- 4 eggs (whites and yolks are seperated),
- 200 g chocolate, chopped,
- 200 g cream cheese.
For sauce;
- 1/4 cup blueberries,
- 1 tbsp sugar,
- 1/4 cup water,
- 1 tsp cornstarch.
- Por the cream cheese into a sauce pan and beat until creamy,
- Put the sauce pan into another pan with water inside (bain marie method),
- Add chocolate and stir until melts, remove from heat and set aside for 5 mins. to cool,
- Meanwhile beat egg whites until stiff peaks,
- Add egg yolks to chocolate mixture and stir fast,
- Add the mixture into the egg whites part by part and stir with a spatula,
- Por the mixture into a greased 19 cm springform pan,
- Rap the pan a few times firmly on the counter,
- Bake the cheesecake for 15 mins. in a 170 C degrees pre-heated oven,
- Decrease the heat to 160 C and bake for another 15 mins.,
- Turn off the heat and wait for 15 mins. before removing the pan,
- For sauce put all the ingredients into a sauce pan,
- Cook constantly stirring, until set,
- Remove from heat and set aside to cool,
- Pour the sauce over the cheesecake when both are cooled,
- Set aside the cheesecake in the fridge for 5-6 hours before serving.
Bon appetit...
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